Best's Financial Suite - P/C, US
Exclusive to Best's Financial Suite - P/C, US subscribers

Empowered with this application you will obtain:
- Offline access to Best's Financial Suite - P/C, US long-tail liability lines and derived financial metrics
- Pre-calculated critical financial information including:
- Reserves Held,
- %IBNR,
- Total Loss Ratio,
- Survival Ratios,
- and more!
- Drill down by classification variables and sort metrics to glean hidden insights
- All available Best's Financial Suite - P/C, US loss development arrays
- Additional Reserves Held and Ultimates Held triangles (where they can be calculated)
- All analytical tools included in ELRF™
Construct a complete picture of a company’s reported liabilities, their holdings, and their financial positioning in the industry.
ELRF™ Best's Schedule P is free with a Best's Financial Suite - P/C, US subscription.
You can download this brochure here.
ICRFS™ Best's Schedule P
ICRFS™ Best's Schedule P is a premium application adding the innovative probabilistic modeling frameworks of ICRFS™ to the Best's Financial Suite - P/C, US data.
ICRFS™ Best's Schedule P requires ELRF™ Best's Schedule P and an active Best's Financial Suite - P/C, US subscription. Please contact us for more information.